Friday, July 22, 2011

The Countdown Has Begun

My doctor is on vacation this week, through Sunday, so she told me to keep my legs crossed until she got back into town. And so far, we're doing good...

Since Dr. Ashmun was out, I had to see her partner this week and that was definitely an experience. Her partner happens to be male and I know some women are okay with male OBGYN's but it was just awkward for me. So, as my husband watched, Dr. Bradley checked to see how Evey and I were doing.

He said we were still at 2cm, only 50% effaced and that Evey was still at a -2 station. It was a little disappointing to find out we hadn't changed at all, but we knew I could either be dilated to 2 for weeks or I could have her any day.

Dr. Ashmun wanted to have my labor induced because she felt like Evey was big, but she didn't want to schedule it unless I was dilated to 3cm at least. Dr. Bradley felt like we were very favorable to be induced, even though we hadn't changed, so he went ahead and scheduled the induction for the 26th, pending a follow up with my doctor on the 25th. If you've ever dealt with insurance at all, then you know that in order to schedule any procedure, it must be medically necessary. Dr. Bradley's reason for scheduling the induction was because of my "modest weight gain" the baby was likely to be small. When he measured my belly, he said she felt like she was around 7.5lbs - which was an average size for how far along we are.

It's so weird to think about - everything we think we know druing pregnancy is just a guesstimate that is different for each person checking. My doctor thinks big, her partner thinks average - the ultrasound we had that showed she was 6lbs 10oz, could be over or under by a pound at most. It's just amazing to think that with the technology we have and the high levels of education our physicians go through, there's still no way to predict the miracle of birth.

I'm definitely feeling pregnant now. I come home from work each day barely able to keep my eyes open and I don't think I've gotten more than 5 hours of sleep in the past few weeks. I told Christopher it was a good thing one of us was sleeping through the night - at least he'll be cognitive once she gets here. I'm swollen all the time, and I haven't put my wedding band on in what seems like forever. The heat wave we're sitting in with the 110* heat indeces on top of my little furnace running full blast all the time is gettting a little old, but when my nurse asked how I was doing and I shocked her by telling her how much I was still enjoying the pregnancy.

I told her even though Evey kicks and it hurts, and I have contractions and they hurt, and my feet are too swollen to fit in my flip-flops and they hurt, it just means that we're that much closer to having our little girl. That makes everything SO worth it. She's my whole world - and I haven't even met her yet!

If everything goes according to my plan (which doesn't count for much in the grand scheme of things) we could have our little girl in our arms within the next week. We'll know more for certain what's going to happen next Monday, but I'm still praying that Evey gets ready to go on her own before the induction date. I know God has the whole event worked out, so now it's just a waiting game.

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